ima’s Staff presented for the second year at CIFTIS, the international and all-inclusive fair for trade services in Beijing, China from May 28 – June 1st. China is rapidly developing and restructuring its economy to improve the quality of life in the urban and rural areas. Addressing this need, our team presented best practices for designing a community that could sustain itself now and into the future. The 25th Century Intelligent Urbanization team was again represented by ima, esri, PACE, Pro Forma Advisors, MVEI, and Ultrasystems. Presenting at the event for our team were Brooks Patrick, Solutions Engineer 3D Markets of esri; Dr. Ron Ronvansek, Vice President of PACE; and Glenn Ho, Director of China Operations, and Jason Gladding, Director of Marketing and Business Development, from ima. Our team presented in the same forum as Siemens China’s Senior Vice President of Building Technology and was well received as the only American Design team at the conference. Discussion at our booth ranged from theme park integration into communities, island master plans, and environmental mitigation sites utilizing GIS software.