Clayton Franklin
Associate Principal

Kevin Tsao
Senior Associate

Ki Lo
In recognition for their leadership, talent, and contribution to the firm's success, ima is proud to announce the promotion of three of our incredible team members. Each have demonstrated continued performance in leading the successful completion of projects and investing in the growth of their skillset and that of their teammates.

Clayton Franklin, Associate Principal
Clayton has assumed the management of several high profile projects after demonstrating his strong leadership and steady service to several of ima's most significant clients. He has a proven track record of successfully bringing projects to opening day with exceptional communication and precision while providing a high level of mentorship to ima staff.

Kevin Tsao, Senior Associate
Kevin has excelled in ima's technology and visualization services, providing high quality 3D modeling and video production on several large scale master planning projects internationally. He has proven himself in taking the design intent and communicating it in fashion that is both visually appealing and also easily consumed by ima's clients.

Ki Yau Lo, Associate
Ki Yau is recognized for his excellent design, collaboration, and communication abilities. He has executed the design on several of ima's most sophisticated recent projects in both hospitality and education. His ability to step into any team and provide excellent design has made him an invaluable asset and a rising leader.

We also want to take a moment to recognize our 2024 First Quarter MVP Michelle Apodaca. Michelle has provided exceptional leadership in the essential Role directing Accounting. To conclude 2023 and successfully launch 2024 Michelle went above and beyond her typical high Service and ima recognizers her as our first Most Valuable Player this year.